On Saturday we arrived at HES fes 2009 (Home Education Summer festival) and put up our tents. At night there was a band on called Diego Brown and the Good Fairy.
On Sunday made a pencil pot in clay (pic 1)and went to the science tent and talked about x-rays. Later we did plaster carving. (pic 2) We also signed up for the kids cabaret with K's freind H. That night somebody burnt a toilet down. K + R said a man dropped a ciggarete down next to it and the wind caught it but other people said they saw someone setting it alight on purpose.
There wasn't much to do today because of the fire but we were called to a meeting about it and the person said people would ask around for some coins to help raise enough money for a new toilet and also that the younger kids cabaret wou still be on (We were in the older but M was young enough.) That night M sang Micheal Jackson's Man in the Mirror and got a realy big round of aplause!
Today K and I did Poster Painting on a canvas(Pic 3) and silk screen painting. I also did circus skills.That evening I had a sleepover with R + K we played cards and dares realy late!
Today I did circus skills again but this time K and H were with me. That night we did the older childrens cabaret and i got sooooo nervous. We sang Mama do by Pixie Lott but H backed out so me and K did it on our own it was really exciting.
Today I started to weave a basket but it was really boring so i went to do drama instead. Later I did circus skills again .
It was the last day so all the end of week shows were on today: I was in drama and cirus skills. K was ill today so she couldn't do anything : ( I also made a mask (pic 4). When it was time for the show seeing as I was doing the first two things it was really rushed.
Today we went home.
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