Wednesday, 24 February 2010

My story part 2


Natalie Rodda walked to the room where the Freedom Fighters held their councils.
The guard standing outside placed a hand on her forehead; this was how he could read her mind. “Well, you may pass.”
She pushed open the double doors and walked in.
“Oh finally, Miss Rodda, we’ve been waiting for you.” Ovander Creek said. He was tall and slim, his silver hair was tied back and his features were sharp and defined. Like many elves he thought himself far above the human army and reckoned that they should just be weapons in the final face of.
“Yeah well this is the middle of a war, not everything can be punctual.”
“NO, we have to be on...”
A new voice spoke up, it was Nathaniel’s, he had brown hair, bright blue eyes and he was the sort of person who would stand up for anyone. “Leave her alone Ovander, she’s only a few minutes late and anyway, if I remember correctly, this is the only meeting this month you’ve turned up on time.”
A few cheers echoed from the human’s side of the room, quiet ones though, Ovander was a dangerous enemy to have.
Ovander turned to look around the room, “Now, Nathaniel, no need for us to argue over her, let’s get on with it...”
The door burst open and through them came a young elf. He staggered under the weight of something which he placed on the floor. All eyes became fixed on it and the hall was engulfed in silence, so when he began to speak, the terrible words he uttered filled the hall. “C...commander Sweet-apple’s dead; t...that’s her body...”

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